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FCS 5 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tank

FCS 5 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tank



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-07-28 11:35:54
  • Product ID: 8709

FCS 5 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tank

This is an American brand fuel tank made by FCS.
It is made of aluminum and can be installed in the genuine tank position to lower the center of gravity.
In addition, the weight is very light, about 4 kg (3.58 kg), which leads to a significant weight reduction.
A genuine fuel meter can be used.
Tank capacity: 5 gallons (approx. 19L)
Compatible models:
Civic EF, EG, EK, EJ
     Integra DA, DC, DB, DC5
Fuel outlets can be selected according to the fitting used.
* Processing is required for installation.
* Fuel pump etc. are not included.
* It is an external fuel pump.
* This is a competition-specific part.

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