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Privacy Policy

Buy Now Japan is strongly committed to your privacy. The policy below outlines our practices and commitment to ensure the responsible use of your information. For further information regarding the security of our website and processes please see our Security Policy.

Personal Information

We collect personal information via our registration process for the purpose of handling orders placed via the website, this includes name, address and optionally your vehicle details. Registration is only required if you wish to place an order and you can browse the website without providing any personal information without limitation. We do not collect any credit card information under any circumstances. We utilize Paypal for the processing of credit card and a number of other payment methods. Paypal does not disclose the full credit card information and this information is only used for the processing of your order payment.

Anonymous Information

Website usage information is also collected for monitoring the statistics such as visits, website referrals and search engine usage. This data is used in aggregation to watch overall trends and not used for individual tracking. From this information we cannot collect specific details such as name, address or credit card details. From this information we can determine what are the most popular products and common usage patterns of the website. Using this analysis we can improve the website, products we make available and our order processing.

Email Addresses

Email address information is collected as part of our registration process. These addresses will only ever be used for communication regarding orders, products or website inquiries and when selected for the distribution of a regular newsletter. To be removed from our newsletter distribution list simply send us a Website Enquiry and we will action your request as soon as possible. Collected email addresses will not be used for the distribution of unsolicited (known as spam), email and will never be provided to third party as per the following section.

Third Parties

Under no circumstances will your personal or usage information be disclosed to any third party unless otherwise required by law.


For more information regarding Security please see our detailed Security Policy.

Any further questions, complaints or concerns?
If you have any further questions, complaints, concerns or requests feel free to send us a Website Enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.