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Total number of exhibitions: 21916 goods!


Fees for the parts:
1. 6% of Total amount (Includes combination fee, storage fee and everything). Doesnt include the payment fees if you Paypal as goods. The calculating system will be as below.
Item/Bid amount + Inland Shipping + International Shipping+ Fee (6% of the total) = Total Amount
Minimum Fee is 300 per item and Maximum fee is 20,000 per item.
For Special Items Like Engine or Transmission or bigger item that needs fork Lifts or extra man power is 50,000 flat per item.
2. Parts Storage is free if the containers departs within the next month since the first item was bought (2 months free storage for loading the container). After 2 months, 10,000/month for per 20' space.For the air shippings its free for a month then $100/cubic Meter.
3. Tires Dismount 6600/set of 4 or 13200/set if 4WD/extra large tires.
4. Photo Service 2200/set of 4 rims, Bumpers 1100/set, other small items 550/pc.
5. For buyers account shipment processing fees 2200/shipment.
Fees for the Car:
1. Regular 33000/car. 55000/car for special cars (Such as imported, Too Old, Risky Cars).
2. Fee includes photo service of the car, Shipping from Buy Now Japan Yard to Port, Basic Check Up Service like battery check, tire check to ensure it can run properly.
3. Storgae Fee is free if the car leaves next month of purchase. For more than 2 months 6600/month.
4. Any Workshop fixes can be done with extra payment depends on the work. For example: (Battery change: Free, Rims & Tires changing: 4400/set, Coilovers: 27000, Clutch: 32000(FR), 55000(FF)etc.)
5. Car Auction Bidding is generally free but some auctions may have a fee of 550/bid, Please check the Auction page if its applicable.

Exclusive Shipping Rate for Auto Parts



Australia, New Zealand zone

Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines,Asia zone

UK,Europe zone

Wheels Up to 16inch (below avarage 9J) 33000~ 36500~ 28800~ 38000~
For Pairs 18800~ 22800~ 18800~ 24400~
Wheels 17 to 19inch (below avarage 9J) 44000~ 68800~ 38800~ 72200~
For Pairs 26000~ 34400~ 22200~ 38800~
With Tires (Per 4pcs) +32000~ +48000~ +30000~ +52000~
Coil-overs 32987~ 39987~ 26987~ 34987~
Bucket Seat (If total size is less than 275cms) 18000~ 20000~ 16000~ 22000~
Bucket Seat Pair (If total size is less than 275cms) 48000~ 56000~ 44000~ 58000~
Semi Bucket Seat (If total size is less than 275cms) 26000~ 32000~ 24000~ 32000~
Semi Bucket Seat Pair (If total size is less than 275cms) 48000~ 56000~ 44000~ 58000~
InterCooler Core + Piping 32987~ 42987~ 28987~ 44987~
Rear Wing(Spoiler) (If Fits in EMS size) 15000~ 18000~ 12000~ 18000~
Bumpers (Front/Rear) (If total size is less than 400cms) 65987~ 99987~ 59987~ 99987~
Aero Set (F+R+Side) 159987~ 219987~ 1299987~ 199987~
Fenders 32987~ 39987~ 25987~ 39987~
Hoods 89987~ 129987~ 75987~ 129987~
Hardtops 219987~ 299987~ 199987~ 299987~