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Security Policy

Buy Now Japan website has been designed to be as simple to use as possible whilst still providing the maximum possible security and privacy for all of your information.

Website Security

The website server and software has been built with the intention of being as secure as possible with industry standard measures utilized to ensure no unauthorized access. The website server is not shared amongst other operations for enhanced security and system access is limited to a limited number of qualified technicians. The website software is fully supported by our vendors and the latest software updates are applied on a regular basis to ensure on-going security.

Network Security

The website is secured within a private network utilizing industry standard firewalls and other security measures to ensure no unauthorized access. Where appropriate encryption measures are used for the transmission of information between your web browser and the server, including the login process, change of password and initial registration password entry.

Data Security

Information stored on our servers are secured using the recommended security practices of our software vendors. The website is backed up on a regular basis to ensure minimal data loss should any unexpected events occur. These backups are stored on an remote secured server with strictly limited user access. For further information regarding the privacy and usage of your information please see our Privacy Policy.

Credit Card Details

We do not collect credit card information directly, instead we utilize the use of Paypal for processing of any credit card orders. Using the trusted Paypal service, we do not collect or store any credit card information.


Cookies are small files stored by your web browser for the usage of the website to make usage of our website easier. In particular cookies are required to provide our login system, enabling the placement of orders. Information stored in these cookies is only available to Nengun Performance and is not used for the storage of any personal information.

Any further questions, concerns or requests?
For further information regarding the privacy and usage of your information please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have any further questions, concerns or requests regarding our security policy please send us a Website Enquiry and we will respond as soon as possible.