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Wheel Accessories

Super Made Nissan Silvia Cutting Angle UP Short Knuckle

Super Made Nissan Silvia Cutting Angle UP Short Knuckle



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-07-22 10:33:37
  • Product ID: 8481

Super Made Nissan Silvia Cutting Angle UP Short Knuckle

Super Made original knuckle.
Increasing the sharpness of the knuckle has become commonplace in drifting, and it is the most important point in terms of operability and angle.
It is a sharp angle up knuckle that has been developed and installed by many professional drift drivers and has been tried and errored including comparison with other companies' products.
This product will be processed if there is no problem after receiving the genuine knuckle (actual item) and inspecting it.
Since the turning angle and angle will increase, some parts may interfere with the knuckle depending on the specifications of the car.
In addition, it may be necessary to extend the amount of wheel protrusion, extend the lower arm, and process wide fenders and tie rods.
As a flow of product creation, we ask you to ship your genuine knuckle by cash on delivery, and it will be shipped to you by cash on delivery within 1 to 3 weeks as soon as it arrives.

* Only genuine knuckles can be processed.
* In the unlikely event that an external product is sent, it will be canceled and will be returned by cash on delivery.
* For S13 / S14 / S15 / 180SX Silvia series
* This is a competition-only part.