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STI Shift Knob (Duracon (R)) 6MT



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-07-20 10:58:22
  • Product ID: 8386

STI Shift Knob (Duracon (R)) 6MT

Duracon (R) * Shift knob, which is more popular than before due to its light weight and high strength. The shape has been reviewed and tuned to ensure that it responds to various shift operations. The shift pattern on the top is changed to a carbon-based one to create a more leshy atmosphere.

* "Duracon (R)" is a registered trademark of Polyplastics Co., Ltd. in Japan and other countries.
* The shift knob may become hot or cold due to changes in the amount of solar radiation and temperature, so please wear driving gloves when using.