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Spiegel X ICE FUSE full set Honda S660 JW5



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-07-12 12:43:34
  • Product ID: 8228

Spiegel X ICE FUSE full set Honda S660 JW5

Car Make: Honda
Model: S660 JW5
For MT cars only

Spiegel X ICE FUSE is a fuse that has succeeded in smoothing the flow of electricity by freezing it in liquid nitrogen at -196 ° C to arrange the arrangement of metal atoms .
This cooling technology is called "ultra-low temperature cooling processing" and is used in various fields such as space development, medical equipment and audio equipment.
The Spiegel X ICE FUSE, which has undergone "ultra-low temperature cooling treatment", is a tuning item that changes driving.