ROWEN RR Performance for WRX-STI
- Available Quantity: 10
- Condition: New
- Listed From: 2022-06-23 14:22:25
- Product ID: 7573
ROWEN RR Performance for WRX-STI
Data changes (full spec)
Fuel basic map / optimized
empty fuel ratio compensation map / changed
ignition timing map / optimized
accelerated ignition compensation map / optimized
variable valve timing map / optimized
electronic throttle map / optimized
boost target map / Change
Boost solenoid map / Change
Speed limiter / Pull up * 1
Rotation limiter / Pull up * 1
Boost limiter / Pull up
Cruise control limiter / Pull
up Electric fan operation ON temperature / Optimization
* 1. Limiter cut is only for speed limiter and rotation limiter pull up. ..
Some items cannot be rewritten depending on the model.
* 2.The power check graph in the image is an example of a vehicle with "RR Performance" installed on a normal vehicle .