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RM 86 / BRZ Squid Intake Chamber For Early and Late Stages

RM 86 / BRZ Squid Intake Chamber For Early and Late Stages



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-05-27 10:29:58
  • Product ID: 6649

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RM 86 / BRZ Squid Intake Chamber For Early and Late Stages

Car Make: Toyota / Subaru
Model: 86 / BRZ
FRP black gel coat (unpainted)
FRP made R Magic pink painted
Carbon clear finish

It is an intake chamber for exclusive use of 86 / BRZ.
* Available for the first half and the second half (added for the second half of February 2020)
The chamber effect improves the torque when stepping on or re-stepping on the accelerator.

The difference at the time of power check from the genuine suction was 3.6 ps at the maximum output, and at around 4,000 rpm where the difference was the widest, it was about 8 ps and the average improvement was about 2.5 ps from 3,000 to 7,000 rpm