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PRS 86 / BRZ 1 & 2 Speed Cross Mission Gear Set

PRS 86 / BRZ 1 & 2 Speed Cross Mission Gear Set



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-05-18 09:09:06
  • Product ID: 6179

PRS 86 / BRZ 1 & 2 Speed Cross Mission Gear Set

1 & 2 speed cross gear set that can be incorporated into a genuine transmission

When changing the final gear to short, changing the 1st & 2nd gear ratio will widen the defensive range of each gear and improve the connection, contributing to time up.

Parts composition: 1st gear, 2nd gear, counter shaft

Gear ratio: Genuine / PRS
1st speed: 3.626 / 2.992
2nd speed: 2.188 / 2.08
3rd speed: 1.541
4th speed: 1.213
5th speed: 1.00
6th speed: 0.767