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K1 Laboratory S2000 DLC Final Gear Set 3.9

K1 Laboratory S2000 DLC Final Gear Set 3.9



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-04-28 12:49:44
  • Product ID: 5798

K1 Laboratory S2000 DLC Final Gear Set 3.9

It is set to match the optimum gear ratio according to the circuit course and engine displacement.
It can be set to 3.99 and high geared compared to genuine 4.1.
By installing DLC ​​on the pinion gear, which can dramatically increase the surface strength, and applying WPC to the ring gear, final gear blow can be avoided with high probability.

Car Make: Honda
Model: S2000 AP1 / Ap2
Item number: 03-008