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K1 Laboratory FK8 Civic Short Capacitor

K1 Laboratory FK8 Civic Short Capacitor



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-04-28 12:15:58
  • Product ID: 5791

K1 Laboratory FK8 Civic Short Capacitor

If it is normal, the water temperature will exceed 100 degrees immediately and continuous running will not be possible . In our test, the maximum water temperature reaches 90 degrees when the outside temperature is 14 degrees by performing heat insulation treatment of the catalyst and front pipe at the same time. There was nothing. Since the water temperature can be lowered without reducing the effectiveness of the air conditioner, it is possible to drive safely from the street to sports driving.

Car Make: Honda
Model: FK8 Civic Type R.
Item number: 06-007