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K1 Laboratory S2000 Short Capacitor

K1 Laboratory S2000 Short Capacitor



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-04-28 10:58:20
  • Product ID: 5770

K1 Laboratory S2000 Short Capacitor

A short condenser that is effective as a countermeasure for cooling the engine water temperature when the outside temperature is high.

If you reduce the number of condenser stages, the water temperature will drop, but the air conditioner will not work easily when the vehicle is stopped.

Our short condenser is manufactured by cutting the lower part of the condenser for efficient cooling, not reducing the number of stages of the condenser tube too much, and considering the balance between the water temperature and the effectiveness of the air conditioner.

Car Make: Honda
Model: S2000 AP1 / Ap2
Item number: 06-006