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Differential Parts

Weld Differential Semi-Rigid Color For JZX100

Weld Differential Semi-Rigid Color For JZX100



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-04-13 11:30:42
  • Product ID: 5194

Weld Differential Semi-Rigid Color For JZX100

A must-have item for Toyota JZX90, 100, 110 and Altezza owners!

It is an item that makes the rear member and the differential semi-rigid.

When driving on a circuit or in sports, the differential bush is bent and twisted, which puts a heavy burden on the members. As a result, judder occurs, not only does the traction not be transmitted sufficiently, but also the behavior of the vehicle becomes unstable and the cornering performance deteriorates.

By making the differential bush part semi-rigid, the burden on the members and bushes can be reduced, and traction can be applied stably and reliably. By reliably transmitting the original power of the vehicle to the road surface, the behavior becomes more stable and the cornering performance is improved. Also, by making the differential and members semi-rigid, it becomes more direct and the axle response improves.

Even though it has such an effect, the differential semi-rigid collar is easy to install by inserting it into the differential bush of the rear member and tightening it with bolts!

Compatible models for installation
JZX90, JZX100 / Mark II, Chaser, Cresta
JZX110 / Mark II, Verossa
SXE10 / Altezza