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Wheel Accessories

Night-Pager Tread changer (Thin Type)

Night-Pager Tread changer (Thin Type)



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-04-13 09:41:31
  • Product ID: 5181

Select Variation:

Night-Pager Tread changer (Thin Type)

3mm type

* Spacer is a shared type for PCD100-114.3

Note: The price of the spacer is a set of two and the hub ring is attached. Please specify HOLE: 4H.5H when ordering. 

* Spacer outer diameter is φ160 (4H type is φ149)
* Depending on the model Some sizes have a special hub diameter.
* 1: The inner diameter of the spacer is Φ56. Hub ring is not included (setting is only 5h)
* 2: The protrusion amount of the genuine hub can only be used for types within 9.5 mm.

5mm type

* Spacer is a shared type for PCD100-114.3
* 1: Can only be installed on vehicles with a genuine hub protrusion amount of 7 mm.

Note: The price of the spacer is a set of two and the hub ring is attached. Please specify HOLE: 4H.5H when ordering. 
* Spacer outer diameter is φ160 (4H type is φ149)
* Depending on the model Some sizes have a special hub diameter.
* 2: The protrusion amount of the genuine hub can only be used for types within 9.5 mm.

10mm type

* Spacer is a shared type for PCD100-114.3
* The protrusion amount of the genuine hub can only be used for types within 10 mm.

Note: The price is for a set of 2 spacers with a hub ring attached.
Please specify HOLE: 4H.5H when ordering. 
* Outside the spacer The diameter is φ160 (4H type is φ149)
* The hub diameter may be special depending on the model.