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A.C.E Ti64 Racing Wheel Bolt (GR Supra)

A.C.E Ti64 Racing Wheel Bolt (GR Supra)



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-03-30 10:58:34
  • Product ID: 4583

A.C.E Ti64 Racing Wheel Bolt (GR Supra)

"Ti64" is commonly known as 64 titanium, which is a titanium alloy containing 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium. It is I am. Titanium oxidizes when it comes in contact with oxygen, and once it is combined with oxygen, it is very difficult to separate it. Therefore, a very thin titanium oxide film is formed only on the surface, and this film protects titanium from the outside world. It plays a role.

1 genuine bolt ・ ・ ・ 1680g
Ti64 1 bolt ・ ・ ・ 1280g
1 unit is 400g lighter and 23.5% lighter than genuine steel bolt.

It is said that the weight reduction of the under-spring load is 400g, which is equivalent to 4000g of the over-spring load. Will also be sharp.

In addition, Since all bolts are special 7-sided bolts, a special adapter is required for attachment and detachment, which is excellent in crime prevention.

Material: Forged Titanium (Ti6AL4V)
Color: Zero Titanium
Size: M14 x P1.25 60 ° Tapered Seat
Weight : 64g (1)
Quantity: 20
Accessories: Dedicated adapter