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AutoExe Intake Suction Kit For RX-8

AutoExe Intake Suction Kit For RX-8



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-03-22 10:40:56
  • Product ID: 4356

AutoExe Intake Suction Kit For RX-8

Eliminates flexible joints and thoroughly reduces intake resistance.

The flexible joint of the mass-produced intake hose, where reliability is the highest priority, tends to cause turbulence of intake air and increase resistance due to its bellows shape. Our "intake suction kit" is a specification that eliminates the flexible joint and secures the maximum effective flow path area. For the material of the hose specially designed for each engine, we adopted multi-layer polystar silicon and FRP, which have a high effect of suppressing deformation due to suction negative pressure. As a result, the accelerator response has been improved. The unified crimson coloring adds an accent to the engine room.

A combination of FRP pipe with a bright red gel coat finish and 3 to 5 layers of polystar silicone that moderately absorbs vibration from the engine. With AutoExe logo plate.

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Intake Suction Kit