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Oil System

SYMS EJ20 Oil Pan & Baffle Set

SYMS EJ20 Oil Pan & Baffle Set



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-03-10 12:32:43
  • Product ID: 4181

SYMS EJ20 Oil Pan & Baffle Set

When driving on a circuit, the engine can be damaged due to oil starvation. This occurs at high lateral g forces when cornering, and at high g forces when braking. This oil pan & baffle set helps fight against oil starvation, by using a baffle to prevent oil from moving freely at corners and stops

Designed exclusively for VAB / GVB / GRB engines, it has been tested many numerous times, leading us to conclude it prevents engine damage caused by oil starvation.

* The oil pan baffle assembly in the image is unpainted for easy understanding, but the product is painted black.