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ASM S2000 Sabelt 4-Point harness

ASM S2000 Sabelt 4-Point harness



  • Available Quantity: 6
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2020-08-17 11:34:33
  • Product ID: 2850

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ASM S2000 Sabelt 4-Point harness

Product Name: ASM Sabelt 4-Point Harness
Materials/Others: Limited production of 10 sets of 6 red and 4 black.
Product Number: ASM-AP100244

Special Note: Not FIA certified.

A 4-point harness custom-made by Sabelt, Italy, to fit the S2000 Mugen Roll Bar.
The buckle has the same lightweight specifications as F1 cars.
Weight is 1.16kg, which is about 30% lighter than general commercial products.

For more details, please go through the below link
ASM S2000 Sabelt 4-Point harness