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Body Reinforcement

ASM S2000 Rear Reinforced Subframe GT

ASM S2000 Rear Reinforced Subframe GT



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2020-08-12 18:40:56
  • Product ID: 2836

ASM S2000 Rear Reinforced Subframe GT

Product name: ASM Rear Reinforced Subframe GT
Product number: ASM-AP100211
Conformance: AP1-100 AP1-110 AP1-120 AP1-130 AP1-200 AP2-100 AP2-110

Special notes:
Utility model registered

Based on the AP2 genuine subframe, a gusset plate is added to the opening, and a suspension arm mounting part is made into a BOX + a stainless steel spacer for reinforcing the mounting point and centering the subframe.
When installing on AP1-100 to 120, it is necessary to change the upper arm.
In the photo, the red part is the newly added part.

For more details, please go through the below link
ASM S2000 Rear Reinforced Subframe GT