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ASM S2000 ZF Damper Kit 3WAY

ASM S2000 ZF Damper Kit 3WAY



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2020-08-12 18:18:54
  • Product ID: 2831

ASM S2000 ZF Damper Kit 3WAY

Product name: ASM ZF Damper Kit 3WAY
Product number: ASM-AP100176
Conformance: AP1-100 AP1-110 AP1-120 AP1-130 AP1-200 AP2-100 AP2-110
In addition to 2WAY, you can adjust the attenuation on the Bump side for each Hi/Low area.
Not only on the circuit but also on the street where you want to have both riding comfort and sports performance.
Built-in rebound spring in front damper HYPERCO spring 700lb (12.5kg/mm) attached.