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ASM S2000 Core Increased Radiator

ASM S2000 Core Increased Radiator



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2020-07-20 16:29:05
  • Product ID: 2799

ASM S2000 Core Increased Radiator

Product name: ASM Core Increased Radiator
Product number: ASM-AP180801
Conformance: AP1-100 AP1-110 AP1-120 AP1-130 AP1-200 AP2-100 AP2-110
Special Notes: Includes radiator bush and cushion.

CERAKOTE (heat dissipation type ceramic coating) is used as a base for the core-added radiator that uses a resin tank to further improve cooling performance.
In the ASM internal test, the water temperature is 6 degrees lower than that of the genuine radiator.