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Kameari TOYOTA 2000GT Reinforced Lower Arm Bush

Kameari TOYOTA 2000GT Reinforced Lower Arm Bush



  • Available Quantity: 1
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2024-06-21 11:54:10
  • Product ID: 21480

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Kameari TOYOTA 2000GT Reinforced Lower Arm Bush

Kameari has produced reinforced lower arm bushings to restore the original driving performance of the legendary TOYOTA 2000GT, a legendary car that represents Japan.
By using urethane bushings with a hardness set at 90 degrees, each support part of the lower arm is strengthened and the alignment is stabilized.  

For more details, please go through the below link
Kameari TOYOTA 2000GT Reinforced Lower Arm Bush