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15" Rims

RAYS GRAM LIGHTS 57D Mark-II (15 inch )

RAYS GRAM LIGHTS 57D Mark-II (15 inch )



  • Available Quantity: 2
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2024-02-27 13:49:04
  • Product ID: 21096

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RAYS GRAM LIGHTS 57D Mark-II (15 inch )

The "57D series" is based on Ray's traditional 6-spoke design and continues to enjoy high support as a standard sports wheel for both drift and grip type cars, domestic and imported cars. Keeping its authentic structure intact, the newly introduced "57D Mark-II" targets young timers such as the AE86, NA and NB Roadsters. This is a neo-classic exclusive model that is specially designed to match a special car that remains popular and attractive even today. By narrowing down the target vehicle model and limiting the size to 4HOLE/15 inches x 8J, we achieved complete optimization of the design. In particular, the biggest strong point of this work is the deep concave, which takes advantage of the car models of the time that allow low insets and maximizes the height difference. It successfully blends into the compact sports form, and its dynamic design is cutting edge. Gram Lights 57D Mark-II. It is a piece created by mobilizing all the latest technology to make the neo-classic style shine "now".

Size : 15inch
Construction method : Casting 1 piece wheel
Security Baseline ; JWL+R spec 1
Color : White (WH)
Accessories : No.20 INSIDE AIR VALVE L40 RAYS

For more details, please go through the below link
RAYS GRAM LIGHTS 57D Mark-II (15 inch )