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Kameari Mitsuba type fuel pump

Kameari Mitsuba type fuel pump



  • Available Quantity: 4
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-12-19 17:30:23
  • Product ID: 20511

Kameari Mitsuba type fuel pump

The Mitsuba fuel pump that you are familiar with has been discontinued.
Accordingly, we have manufactured a replacement fuel pump with the same specifications as Mitsuba in terms of pressure and discharge volume.
This is a fuel pump that can be attached to SOLEX, WEBER, and OER carbs and is very convenient for street cars.

●Maximum discharge rate 1400cc/min
●Maximum pressure 0.3 kg/cm2

For more details and price compatibility, please go through the below link
Kameari Mitsuba type fuel pump