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326 PowerRally ★ Quick SEMI BUCKET SEAT ★Tochikyo Racing MODEL (Blue)

326 PowerRally ★ Quick SEMI BUCKET SEAT ★Tochikyo Racing MODEL (Blue)



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-11-24 14:16:23
  • Product ID: 20065

326 PowerRally ★ Quick SEMI BUCKET SEAT ★Tochikyo Racing MODEL (Blue)

■ Sporty blue creates a sporty interior. A hold that feels like it's being wrapped around you.
■ The shell is made of FRP fabric. The Tochi-kyo logo has a huge impact even from outside the car!
■ The side support part has been lifted up, and the seat cushion is thin with an emphasis on holdability.
■ [We are Tochikurutteruze , [3 2 6POWER] logo on the back of the knees.
■ Front [Tochikyo Racing] and [ Mitsuru Power Rally ★ Quick] logos embroidered. The red dot is eye-catching even from outside the car. Suede fabric is used for the shoulder area.
■ The Tochi-kyo logo is embroidered on the back.

For more details, please go through the below link
326 PowerRally ★ Quick SEMI BUCKET SEAT ★Tochikyo Racing MODEL (Blue)