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Final Drive

K-Products Jimny JB23 JB33 JB43 drive final LSD rear off-road model 660cc&1300cc TANIGUCHI

K-Products Jimny JB23 JB33 JB43 drive final LSD rear off-road model 660cc&1300cc TANIGUCHI



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-11-21 10:46:57
  • Product ID: 20016

K-Products Jimny JB23 JB33 JB43 drive final LSD rear off-road model 660cc&1300cc TANIGUCHI

◆This product is made to order.
Orders will be placed after various payments and payment confirmation, and the products will be shipped as soon as they arrive.

Furthermore, with 20 clutch discs in 10 sets, the most for an LSD for Jimny, it has successfully achieved both natural torque distribution like a helical LSD and intense traction linked to driver operation.
It is less aggressive to LSD oil, and has a long lifespan of 150,000 km without decomposition*. Special differential oil recommended.

For more details, please go through the below link
K-Products Jimny JB23 JB33 JB43 drive final LSD rear off-road model 660cc&1300cc TANIGUCHI