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Final Drive

K-Products Jimny drive final LSD front JA71 3 type - JA11 2way model TANIGUCHI

K-Products Jimny drive final LSD front JA71 3 type - JA11 2way model TANIGUCHI



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-11-20 15:54:20
  • Product ID: 19994

K-Products Jimny drive final LSD front JA71 3 type - JA11 2way model TANIGUCHI

Final LSD Front 2way model for JA71 (type 3) to JA11
The spring set in the direction of closing the pressure ring makes chattering noise at low loads almost silent. succeeded.
Furthermore, by using 8 sets of 16 clutch discs, the most for an LSD front for Jimny, we succeeded in achieving both natural torque distribution like a helical LSD and intense traction linked to driver operation.

Especially for the front, the steering does not become heavy, which is unimaginable with conventional traction devices.
It is less aggressive to LSD oil, and has a long lifespan of 150,000 km without decomposition*.

For more details, please go through the below link
K-Products Jimny drive final LSD front JA71 3 type - JA11 2way model TANIGUCHI