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GANZ Bold World Brake System for Wagon

GANZ Bold World Brake System for Wagon



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-11-11 09:31:36
  • Product ID: 19708

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GANZ Bold World Brake System for Wagon

Caliper: All kits feature a dust seal on the piston, allowing all caliper overhauls
Slit Rotor: A high strength rotor that is resistant to cracks and often used in races.
Installation Bracket: Specially designed for each car model also, high strength mounting bracket.
Stainless Steel mesh brake hose: A stainless steel mesh hose for high pressure brake lines.
Brake Pad: Made of material that does not generate brake dust or squeal easily. Non-asbestos type.

For more details please go through the below link...
GANZ Bold World Brake System