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K-Products Jimny JB23 intake chamber intake turbo JB23 1~3 type MRS

K-Products Jimny JB23 intake chamber intake turbo JB23 1~3 type MRS



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-11-07 15:13:38
  • Product ID: 19393

K-Products Jimny JB23 intake chamber intake turbo JB23 1~3 type MRS

Power increases are generally achieved through comprehensive modifications such as replacing the muffler, increasing the amount of fuel, and tuning the electrical system.
Replacing just one part rarely increases horsepower dramatically, but this intake chamber is a part that overturns this common theory.

The design combines three theories: the calculated intake air volume of the big tank, the snow cornice to improve intake speed, and the funnel designed to rectify the intake air, resulting in an unparalleled increase in horsepower and sense of acceleration. succeeded in realizing it.

Easy to ride from low to medium speeds with a pleasant feel, flat horsepower improvement all the way to top speed.
Significant fuel efficiency improvement! This is an earth-friendly intake chamber that increases horsepower and is economical.

To install, remove the intake hose and secure the included silicone hose tightly with a band to prevent intake air from entering from the outside. It is a simple task that anyone can install with a flat head screwdriver.

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K-Products Jimny JB23 intake chamber intake turbo JB23 1~3 type MRS