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K-Products Jimny JB64 JB74 Emblem

K-Products Jimny JB64 JB74 Emblem "Jimny" Matte black



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-11-06 18:31:55
  • Product ID: 19335

K-Products Jimny JB64 JB74 Emblem "Jimny" Matte black

This is a product with the genuine Suzuki "Jimny" emblem of Jimny JB64/74 painted in matte black.
The impression is completely different from chrome plating.
Since it is a genuine emblem, the shape and installation method will be exactly the same (attached with the included double-sided tape).

For more details, please go through the below link
K-Products Jimny JB64 JB74 Emblem "Jimny" Matte black