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K-Products imny JB64 Exterior Emblem SUZUKI Front Grill General Purpose

K-Products imny JB64 Exterior Emblem SUZUKI Front Grill General Purpose



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-11-02 18:25:28
  • Product ID: 19226

K-Products imny JB64 Exterior Emblem SUZUKI Front Grill General Purpose

Emblem SUZUKI front grill general purpose

This is the emblem of "SUZUKI".
It can be attached to the front grill or exterior parts with mesh. Can also be installed on the K-PRODUCTS original Folksy Style front grill for JB64.
The included nut is circular with a diameter of 8mm. If the holes in the mesh are large, it may fall off.

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K-Products imny JB64 Exterior Emblem SUZUKI Front Grill General Purpose