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Steering Wheel Accessories

Skipper PADDLE SHIFTER LEXUS LS460/460L/600h/600hL

Skipper PADDLE SHIFTER LEXUS LS460/460L/600h/600hL



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-10-31 17:11:16
  • Product ID: 19111

Skipper PADDLE SHIFTER LEXUS LS460/460L/600h/600hL

SKIPPER's paddle shifter allows you to change shifts using the paddle switch by setting the normal shift range to manual mode.
The basic shift change operation uses the vehicle itself.
Therefore, even if the car becomes inoperable, you can cancel manual mode and shift changes will occur normally.

The listed price is the basic price when performing paddle shift processing on the Lexus LS460/460L/600h/600hL (USF/UVF4#) genuine steering wheel.
*Includes paddle switch (AMG type) parts cost.
Operation is possible only when the shift range is in "manual mode".
Prices may vary depending on the shape, structure, and request details, so please use this as a reference price only.

For more details, please go through the below link
Skipper PADDLE SHIFTER LEXUS LS460/460L/600h/600hL