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HJC Helmet MARVEL RPHA11 Green Goblin

HJC Helmet MARVEL RPHA11 Green Goblin



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-10-26 14:35:33
  • Product ID: 18914

HJC Helmet MARVEL RPHA11 Green Goblin

A graphic model based on the MARVEL comic version of the Green Goblin, Spider-Man's greatest enemy.
Scientist Norman Osborn, who gained superhuman intelligence and strength after being exposed to a green chemical that strengthens his body, dons a goblin costume and stands in front of Spider-Man as the Green Goblin.
The front part has bloodshot eyes and a grinning expression that expresses a ruthless character, and the back of the head is printed with one of his weapons, a pumpkin-shaped bomb.
The base model, RPHA11, uses a PIM PLUS shell that is overwhelmingly light and has high shock absorption, and features ventilation that increases the efficiency of introducing running air and a shield lock system that increases internal airtightness.
・This is a high-end model of HJC helmets with excellent comfort and aerodynamic characteristics.

For more details, please go through the below link
HJC Helmet MARVEL RPHA11 Green Goblin