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Wheel Accessories

JURAN Racing Hole Plug

JURAN Racing Hole Plug



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-10-25 17:51:57
  • Product ID: 18855

JURAN Racing Hole Plug

A resin cap that prevents water and mud from entering the through wheel nut.
Although this is a through-wheel nut that has been processed to reduce the weight, if water or mud gets inside, it is likely to have a negative effect not only on the nut but also on the stud bolt.
Hole plugs close the holes in through-type wheel nuts and extend the life of the parts. Made of resin weighing less than 1g
Size: Outer diameter 14.6mm/Body diameter 12.7mm
Quantity: 4 pieces

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JURAN Racing Hole Plug