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Oil System

JURAN Racing Filter

JURAN Racing Filter



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-10-25 11:29:49
  • Product ID: 18823

JURAN Racing Filter

High performance. Space-saving element.
For O-ring diameter 60Φ

Thin 50mm design reduces interference with surrounding areas when using the oil sensor attachment.
Ideal for light vehicles with little clearance.
Ideal for rotary cars with built-in backup net and tuning cars with high hydraulic pressure.
Lighter weight reduces the load on the engine.
Using attachments in combination reduces the burden of increased weight.

Achieves high filtration efficiency while reducing pressure loss.
It provides extremely high engine protection performance with smooth engine oil circulation and excellent impurity capture performance.
Specs similar to a racing car can only be demonstrated under harsh conditions.

For more details, please go through the below link
JURAN Racing Filter