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Parts & Accessories

Weld Differential Semi-Rigid Color FR-S / FT 86 / BRZ



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-06-07 16:07:11
  • Product ID: 16065

Weld Differential Semi-Rigid Color FR-S / FT 86 / BRZ

NEW Differential semi-rigid collar (for FR-S/FT86/BRZ)

FR-S/FT86/BRZ Owner's long-awaited item is now available!

When driving intensely on a circuit or during sports driving, the differential bushing bends and twists, causing a judder and insufficient traction. This behavior is extremely dangerous, causing an unstable feeling, and decreasing overall cornering. The Weld differential semi-rigid collar eliminates deflection and twisting that causes judder. By making this bush semi-rigid, stable traction and cornering performance is drastically improved.

Compatibility models: FR-S/FT86/BRZ