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Ignition System

IP power harness S15 SR20DET

IP power harness S15 SR20DET



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-04-26 11:06:30
  • Product ID: 15596

IP power harness S15 SR20DET

A high-spec harness that uses AESSX, AVSSX, and AVX wires, which are more heat-resistant than genuine products. Shielded wires are used for the crank sensor, knock sensor, O2 sensor, throttle sensor, and air flow sensor as noise countermeasures.
Completely made in Japan produced in-house by our company (Ignition Projects)! (Made in Japan)
If you give us time, we will respond to your request as much as possible, such as changing to a non-genuine injector connector or changing the wire length.
This product is a great value kit that includes engine ECCS (EGI) harness, injector sub and knock sensor sub harness.
The ignition coil harness is sold separately, so we recommend installing it together with the IP Quad Pack and IP Power Coil Multi Spark.

For more details please go through the below link...
IP Power Harness