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Ignition System

IP Power Igniter General Purpose for Universal-6 (for 6 cylinders)

IP Power Igniter General Purpose for Universal-6 (for 6 cylinders)



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-04-25 14:54:19
  • Product ID: 15591

IP Power Igniter General Purpose for Universal-6 (for 6 cylinders)

High-power igniter with high-performance transistor and built-in current control function.
We have a lineup from general-purpose types to dedicated types.

6-channel high power igniter for inductive ignition with built-in IGBT of the highest quality. Equipped with a current control function, it is a design that considers not only power but also safety.

■ Primary voltage maximum value 500V
■ Protects the coil with a built-in current control function
■Each channel is completely independent and can be used with a 6-cylinder engine as well as a 1-cylinder engine.

For more details please go through the below link...
IP Power Igniter General Purpose for Universal-6 (for 6 cylinders)