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HKS AT Fluid Cooler Kit

HKS AT Fluid Cooler Kit



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-04-17 11:38:47
  • Product ID: 15316

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HKS AT Fluid Cooler Kit

Proper oil temperature control is necessary to enjoy driving.

It can be installed in the grille and can be used with an engine cooler (sold separately).
It is possible to reduce the AT oil temperature rise during sports driving. In the test results, it was confirmed that the temperature decreased by about 10°C by wearing it.
There is no effect on the water temperature, which is worrisome because it is inside the grill.
The core is blacked out to make it inconspicuous, and it subtly appeals the "serious" feeling from the back of the grill.
Installation is bolt-on by making it a vehicle-specific kit.

kit components
Oil cooler core
Dedicated bracket x 3
φ10 oil resistant hose
Short parts

For more details please go through the below link...
HKS AT Fluid Cooler Kit