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WORK EMOTION M8R For IMPORT (17 & 18 Inch Wheel)

WORK EMOTION M8R For IMPORT (17 & 18 Inch Wheel)



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-04-10 09:27:01
  • Product ID: 15120

Select Variation:

WORK EMOTION M8R For IMPORT (17 & 18 Inch Wheel)

-Color: Black (BLK)
- Accessories: Center cap / 1 piece (FLAT TYPE WORK), air valve / 1 piece (black: V29K2), sticker / 1 piece
*Please note that the disc protrudes 5mm from the rim flange due to the disc design.
*(Note 1) Since there is a pin on the mounting surface, it must be removed.
*It may not be possible depending on the manufacturing conditions.
*Delivery may take some time depending on the specifications.

For more details please go through the below link...
WORK EMOTION M8R For IMPORT (17 & 18 Inch Wheel)