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U.S. DAYTONA 5 - HOLE 16x7.0 Inch Wheel

U.S. DAYTONA 5 - HOLE 16x7.0 Inch Wheel



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-04-05 14:40:20
  • Product ID: 15050

U.S. DAYTONA 5 - HOLE 16x7.0 Inch Wheel

A popular long-selling steel wheel that is still clear.
Very popular, general-purpose size of US Daytona.

Size: 15x7.0
Hole: 4
PCD: 100
* There is a red/blue line on the wheel color BK rim. There is no line on the rim of wheel color CR.
*The center cap is not included as standard.
* The optional center cap is only 70mm height type.
The center cap comes with an eagle mark ornament

For more details please go through the below link...
U.S. DAYTONA 5 - HOLE 16x7.0 Inch Wheel