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HALFWAY Pressure Resistant Intake for Copen LA400K / LA400A

HALFWAY Pressure Resistant Intake for Copen LA400K / LA400A



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-03-31 12:46:35
  • Product ID: 14908

Select Variation:

HALFWAY Pressure Resistant Intake for Copen LA400K / LA400A

Car Make: Daihatsu Copen
Model: LA400K / LA400A

Pressure-resistant intake turbine outlet hose for COPEN
Contents: 2 hose bands for turbine outlet hose
Girl in a jacket

Pressure-resistant intake throttle inlet hose
Contents: 2 hose bands for throttle inlet hose
Girl in a jacket

Pressure resistant intake intercooler outlet hose
Contents: Two hose bands for exclusive use of the intercooler outlet hose
Girl in a jacket

Pressure-resistant intake 3-point kit
Kit includes:
Turbine Outlet Hose
Throttle Inlet Hose
Intercooler Outlet Hose
Girl in a jacket

Pressure-resistant intake suction hose
Contents: 3 hose bands for suction hose L-shaped joint
Girl in a jacket

Pressure-resistant intake 4-point kit
Kit includes:
Turbine Outlet Hose
Throttle Inlet Hose
Intercooler Outlet Hose
Suction Hose
Girl in a jacket

Pressure-resistant intake titanium pipe
Contents: Titanium pipe
Girl in a jacket

Pressure-resistant intake 5-piece kit
Kit Contents:
Turbine Outlet Hose
Throttle Inlet Hose
Intercooler Outlet Hose
Suction Hose
Titanium Pipe
Girl in a jacket

Pressure-resistant intake throttle joint hose
Contents: 2 hose bands for throttle joint hose
Girl in a jacket

For more details please go through the below link...
HALFWAY Pressure Resistant Intake