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ORC Metal Clutch Twin Push Type with Damper

ORC Metal Clutch Twin Push Type with Damper



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-03-20 12:36:22
  • Product ID: 14555

ORC Metal Clutch Twin Push Type with Damper

Car manufacturer: Toyota
Model: Chaser JZX100

STD (standard crimping type) clutch disc with damper push type
Accessory/required parts: F/W mounting bolt: included in the clutch kit.
Sleeve bearing: It is attached to the clutch KIT.
Release bearing: It is attached to the clutch KIT. (B type)
Dedicated conversion kit: Attached to the clutch KIT.

For more details please go through the below link...
ORC Metal Clutch Twin Push Type with Damper