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GReddy x TRS Racing Harness & Shoulder Pad



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-03-09 13:17:26
  • Product ID: 14510

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GReddy x TRS Racing Harness & Shoulder Pad

GReddy and TRS collaborate to create a high performance racing harness.
Designed an original collaboration label based on TRS Magnum Ultralite.
It is the lightest model and can be used in domestic competitions because it is FIA certified.

Racing Harness
・4 3-inch pieces (for left and right)
・8 colors
・Adjustable buckle (lightweight forged aluminum material)
・Quick release buckle
・4 eyebolts included

Shoulder Pad
・75mm width (for 3 inches)
・3 colors

For more details please go through the below link...
GReddy x TRS Racing Harness & Shoulder Pad