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Desmond RegaMaster EVO Ⅱ



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2023-02-01 13:41:34
  • Product ID: 13709

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Desmond RegaMaster EVO Ⅱ

The suggested retail price is the price excluding tax for one standard color (white/silver).
Special order colors: Black, Gunmetal, Bronze, and Gold add 3,000 yen each before tax.
New Almighty Gray (NAG) and Deep Sea Blue (DSB) will cost an additional 5,000 yen per bottle before tax.
All paint colors are finished with a gloss or satin clear finish. Please specify when ordering.
Bright II (surface cutting) is 11,000 yen excluding tax per 17-inch and 12,000 yen excluding tax per 18-inch.

For more details please go through the below link...

Desmond RegaMaster EVO Ⅱ