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Steering Wheel

VERTEX steering

VERTEX steering "10STARS/BLUE" 90mmDEEP



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-11-22 10:51:08
  • Product ID: 11617

VERTEX steering "10STARS/BLUE" 90mmDEEP

A more stylish and sporty steering wheel with stars on both sides of the VERTEX logo.
It adopts a deep type and has a design that enhances its presence in addition to operability when driving.
Considering the coordination between the body color and the interior color, we have set a new type with deep blue embroidery, stitching and horn button plate.

Specifications: Genuine leather/PCD 70/Boss side 55φ
Accessories: Horn button/VERTEX horn button plate
Color: Blue
*Red type is also available.

For more details please visit the below-attached link
VERTEX steering "10STARS/BLUE" 90mmDEEP