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[VERTEX LANG] Fairlady Z Z33 Side Step

[VERTEX LANG] Fairlady Z Z33 Side Step



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-11-16 10:38:16
  • Product ID: 11495

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[VERTEX LANG] Fairlady Z Z33 Side Step

Car Make: Nissan
Model: Fairlady Z Z33

"LANG "R" SYSTEM" is an evolution of Lang.
The design of the "R" SYSTEM, which was created for the purpose of being used in full-fledged racing, is especially specialized in aerodynamics.
The design style is super combative with the aim of streamlining the nose, processing the under part that draws the air flow, and increasing the speed of the air flow.
Not only functional beauty, but also visually "attractive". That is the absolute requirement as an aero tuner, and we are proud of it. The design, which was made without any compromise, succeeded in embodying the beauty of design and the beauty of functionality.

For more details please visit the below-attached link
Z33 FAIRLADY Z Aero Parts