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Wheel Nuts

KYO-EI Super Compact Lug Nut 16pcs



  • Available Quantity: 10
  • Condition: New
  • Listed From: 2022-11-08 15:42:32
  • Product ID: 11203

Select Variation:

KYO-EI Super Compact Lug Nut 16pcs

*Be sure to observe the following items before installation.

●Do not install the wheel if the nut screw cannot be tightened more than 10mm.

● Depending on the length of the hub bolt on some vehicles (Mitsubishi vehicles, etc.), if the hub bolt is tightened while interfering with the inside of the cap, the hub bolt may penetrate.

●Do not use if the cap interferes with the hub bolt and there is a gap in the wheel mounting seat, making it impossible to mount the wheel securely. Please check the length of the hub bolt of your vehicle before purchasing as it may cause the nut to loosen and the wheel to come to off.

For more details please visit the below-attached link
KYO-EI Super Compact Lug Nut 16pcs